I am a first-generation doctor, the only physician in my family. I chose the psychiatry field because psychiatry was the rotation that I woke up looking forward to going to in med school. I was hesitant because of the stigma about psychiatry in medicine and mental health in my community. But ultimately, I had to make the choice that was right for me and the community that I care about serving. Psychiatry gives me the opportunity to address the total needs of patients: physical, mental, social, and advocacy. And, there is never a dull day in psychiatry! Something new is always going on.
Hi, I'm Dr. Dani
Double-Board Certified Psychiatrist

Currently, I am the youngest Black, Psychiatry Residency Program Director in the country. I might be the youngest period. Most people don't reach this position until later in their careers. I'm also a young APA Black Caucus President and Black Psychiatrist of America Scientific Program Committee Chair. I love what I am able to do, changes I am able to instill this early in my life! My favorite thing that I do professionally is mentoring. I love being an advisor and inspiration to medical students and young doctors. I have even written a book chapter about bias in psychiatry. Getting to consult with YouTube and Google has been a highlight of my early career.
Now, what do I do when I am not at work? I start my weekends off right by hosting the Black Trivia Night, where I invite professionals to play a fun game of trivia, simultaneously up building the black community. I also really love Zumba! I would love to instruct a class one day.
If I weren't a physician, I would be a trip planner or a DJ. I am always traveling. I have a goal of 40 countries by the time I'm 40. I go to at least 3-4 countries per year, but the COVID-19 crisis has halted my plans. I'm at country 25 now! The last countries I've visited were Trinidad, Kenya, Tanzania, Honduras, Panama, such beautiful countries with rich colors!